Friday, March 31, 2006

Skipping Excellent Activity

Miss Tesseyman's class went the extra mile...

Getting Us Moving!

Today, Mr. McGivern's class limbered up before Literacy work.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Who needs EastEnders?

Drama: Pearly Kings and Queens, in the making ... click the link for some drama ideas for your little ones.

Healthy Living Art

Fun art activity to do with healthy living ... in our Foundation Stage!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Today, a Swing Band

Today, a Swing Band visited school, to play us some music. If you would like to know more about Swing, click the link above.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fruit Bowls

Mrs. Dean's class make bowls of paper fruit!

Mums and Dads in to Help

Mums and dads help with healthy living activities.

Healthy School Exercise

Healthy Living means vigorous exercise too! Ready, steady, go!

Healthy School Dinners

school dinners

Healthy Living, means healthy eating! Here, some of our children tuck into apples, pasta, peas and carrots.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Healthy Living Week Begins

The Army gives us a good work out in the new gym.

Friday, March 24, 2006

AFNORTH Football Tournament

Here is one of the teams that took part in today's tournament. All of our children were praised for their excellent behaviour!

Golden Awards

And the winners are...

ICT in Foundation Stage 1

This week, even more Information and Communication Technology activities than usual went on in FS1. Watch out for those Bee Bots, boys!

Barnaby Bear Follow Up

Tegan does some follow-up work about Barnaby Bear on the BBC Schools website. You too can share this website with your child. Simply click the link in this entry to our 'blog.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Barnaby Heads South

Barnaby Bear visited Year One on Wednesday to say, 'Auf Wiedersehen,' before heading off on deployment. Barnaby, the veteran of a similar deployment to Iraq, was relaxed about the task ahead.

He said that he was looking forward to the hardships and challenges, but that he would miss his family in Germany very much. He also said that he would keep up to date with all the news from school via the weblog.

Monday, March 20, 2006

My Magic Box by Reece

I will put in the box...
The shine of a moon.
The sound of a swishing wave from the sea.
The smell of pancakes.

I will put in the box...
A feel of a cold pen.
Some golden nuggets.
The colour of blue.

I will put in the box...
Rainy weather.
A dream I was rich.
A feeling of being crowded.

I will put in the box...
A mountain.
And one impossible thing.
No oxygen and surviving.
And a piece of paper.

My box is covered in gold,
With plastic corners,
And the shine of the moon.

by Reece, in Y3HM

Friday, March 17, 2006

Golden Awards

This week's Golden Award winners are...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sponsored Cycle Ride

Sponsored Cycle Ride Presentation
The sponsored cycle ride now over, Lt Col Blackwell presents Mrs. Maggie Gillett with sufficient money to buy a digital camera and an A3 size scanner that will support this 'blog.

We would like to say a very big, 'Thank you,' to all concerned!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


On Monday 13 March, twenty two Year 5 and 6 children travelled to JHQ for the Inter-school Benchball competition. The children played against the three schools from JHQ throughout the day.

The boys played well against the other teams, eventually facing St. Patrick's School and finishing fourth.

The girls played fantastically and found themselves up against old rivals St. George's School. In an exciting final, the girls played a full court and battled against a strong team. After an exhausting 15 minutes, the girls finished in a very commendable second place.

An excellent day out for all the children - well done!